I had a dream of being a teacher ever since I was a child. For my dream to become reality it took hard work and a dream that never went away. Before beginning Sunflower Preschool, I was the coordinator for the City of Ellensburg’s Adult Activity Center for 12 years. In 2018, I decided it was time to go back to school and become an elementary school teacher. I worked full-time all while being both a part-time and full-time student for nearly three years until I earned my teaching certificate. I never let go of my dream, even while walking through all the pandemic brought to our lives.
My husband David asked me one day, what grade do you want to teach? I said, I want to open my own preschool. Without skipping a beat, he said we are doing it. From that point forward that was the goal. While thinking of what the preschool would be called, I looked down at the sunflower tattoo I just had permanently affixed to my arm and told David my preschool will be called Sunflower Preschool. I love sunflowers!
A year ago, around this same time I was completing my student teaching at Thorp Elementary School in a Kindergarten classroom. Behind the scenes David was getting the business side and location of Sunflower Preschool finalized. It was a lot of work, but we have always been a team and this project almost came naturally to us as a couple.
We opened the doors of Sunflower Preschool on April 4, 2021! I had a dream and a vision, and I never let go of what I knew I wanted for myself. We opened Sunflower Preschool with five students on that very first day and by June of 2021 we had a full morning class of 10 students.
I was just thinking the other day…Every student at Sunflower Preschool has changed my life as much as I have changed theirs! I had one student the other day start crying because he was sad to leave me for the weekend. In another message I had a mom text me and say she heard her son repeating the positive affirmations we have been learning in preschool.
The old saying of “It takes a village to raise a child”. Well, with parents allowing me to be a part of their village to grow and shape their child, this makes my heart feel so happy!
I am forever grateful to those who have supported and encouraged me on my journey to become Sunflower Preschool lead teacher/owner. Those moments when I was writing my EDTPA and having a meltdown because it was hard to write, it is worth it. Never give up on your dreams!
